Hey, I have the idea to rework my ancient cardboard game but this time, I'll do in a video game.

Now, you can test the prototype of this simple shooter. It's a demo, so, textures are not definitive. I'll change it in next updates. You need to be two players for testing the game in its entirety.

I need feedback about the gameplay and balancing.


1 map with simple obstacles

5 weapons with different gameplay possibilities

3 bonus (Heal box, Extra Life, Mine)


Player 1:

ZQSD to move

F to activate the bonus

SPACE to shoot

AE to ajust the aim

Player 2:

OKLM to move

ù to activate the bonus

LEFT CLIC to shoot

IP to ajust the aim

That all for now, enjoy your playing.


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les contrôles sont trop sensibles je trouve, j'ai rage quit. Sinon ça rentre bien dans la case jeu mobile casu. Ca peut devenir un bon jeu si bien réalisé !

thx, pour le moment, je ne suis pas tout à fait satisfait de la demo, mais quand je reviendrais dessus, ça sera (beaucoup) plus polish